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The NAVY RECP is part of a larger Department of Defense initiative to reduce energy consumption. Reductions in utility use as a result of RECP will reduce our dependence on foreign oil, therefore contributing to increased national security, and reduce greenhouse gases and pollution, thus helping to improve the quality of life for all Americans. Furthermore, financial savings resulting from reduced usage will be reinvested in PPV communities to directly improve your quality of life.
The tentative roll out schedule for live billing will vary by the Region of the country where the Navy has PPV homes.
For more specific information about when the RECP will roll out for a specific installation contact your local Navy housing office (a master list of all Navy installation housing offices is located at
The Resident Energy Conservation Program (RECP) establishes like-type groups of housing and measures the average usage for each like-type group every month. A 10% buffer is then added above and below the average to create a normal usage band. Residents participating in the RECP (referred to herein as Qualified Military Tenants or QMTs) will receive monthly statements on how their usage compares to the normal usage band. Those using more than the normal usage band pay for the excess and those using less than will receive a rebate or credit for the difference between the normal usage band and their actual usage
Dollars saved through conservation will be put right back into the PPV project in the form of capital reinvestments such as new housing, renovations, community amenities, quality of life programs, etc. Marines will earn rebates if they use less than the normal usage band for their like-type group.
Your house will be combined with other housing units into like-type groups (LTG) of metered homes that have similar characteristics that affect home energy performance such as the square footage, age, heating type (electricity vs. gas), and condition of the home. Each month the average usage of utilities for the LTG are developed with a 10% buffer above and below the average to create a normal usage band. Qualified Military Tenants (QMTs) with usage above the normal usage band will pay for the excess and those conserving relative to the normal usage band will receive a rebate for their savings. Please note: household make- up is not a factor in determining targets. LTGs only consider the physical characteristics of the home, not the occupants.
Your utility usage target is established on a monthly basis to account for actual weather changes. All members of the LTG are subject to the same weather changes so they are all calculated accordingly.
Yes, your Resident Services Manager/Housing Office can provide you with that information.
There will be no impact to the BAH allowance.
Yes. An allowance for “normal” or “average” utilities is a part of the BAH. BAH includes an allowance for the following utilities: electricity, gas or other heating fuels, and water/sewer. The BAH includes the cost of utilities based on averages from residents living in the private sector who are directly responsible for paying for their utilities. This program is intended to encourage QMTs to achieve normal usage and to reward them for conservation beyond normal expectations. If you conserve and use utilities wisely within the normal range, you will have no out-of-pocket utility expense and, with a little extra effort, could be eligible for a utilities rebate.
Every month QMTs will receive a monthly statement that shows how their usage compares to the normal usage band for their specific like-type group. QMTs who use less than the normal usage band can accrue a credit or rebate and residents who use more than the upper normal usage band will pay for the excess consumption. Before residents are responsible for payments they will experience a “mock billing period.” Mock billing will allow residents to adjust their consumption before live billing starts. After mock billing the live billing period starts and residents will be directly responsible for their utility usage. "Other qualified tenants" (residents who do not pay with BAH) will receive a billing statement from the third party billing service and they will be required to pay for all gas and/or electric utility usage during the given month. As dictated in the RECP, other qualified residents are exempt from the RECP and, therefore, are responsible for paying their own designated utilities.
No. If your usage is within the normal usage band you will not have to make any payments. Only if you exceed the normal usage band will you have to pay and then only for the amount over the normal usage band. If you are below the normal usage band you will be eligible to receive a rebate for the difference between the amount consumed and the lower end of the usage band.
QMTs whose monthly utilities usage is below the normal usage band will be notified in the monthly utility usage report including the amount of the rebate earned. When the accumulated rebate exceeds $25 the property manager will issue a check to the resident. QMTs have the option to “bank” the savings if they want and use savings to offset future payments. The payments work in a similar fashion – the resident will be notified monthly and will make payment whenever the total owed exceeds $25.
Your monthly utility usage report is based on the individual utility meters on your home. The PPV project company will collect information from the meters and develop a usage report for each home. If you feel there are inaccuracies on your bill, please contact your property manager for review.
Residents can request their property manager perform an evaluation of the home to ensure that all of the appliances and energy using features of the home are in good order. The property manager will also provide tips on how to make your home more energy efficient.
If my neighbor in the same like-type group has a more efficient kitchen appliance, does that entitle me to new appliances?
No. We account for these minor differences by utilizing the 10% plus or minus buffer around the utility usage target.
We have two children in our family and live in a 3-BR home. Many of our neighbors do not have children. Will the monthly usage average for our like-type group be skewed?
The rent for PPV homes is typically the BAH rate. BAH does not vary depending upon family size. Families are assigned to homes appropriate for the size of the family/what they qualify for. LTGs include similar homes in the average calculations, regardless of household makeup.
Residents with a past due account will receive delinquency notice letters and a late fee. Extreme delinquencies can result in a notice to vacate housing and can potentially affect your credit. The PPV partnership will work with you to arrange payment plans if you need help making payments.
At this time PPV homes are generally not individually metered for water, therefore the RECP excludes water usage. Water conservation is very important because excess usage drains funds from the PPV project. You can expect to see the property manager promote water conservation initiatives in your PPV housing area even though most homes are not individually metered.
If this is a Department of Navy program, do I have to participate if I am in another branch of Service?
All military members, regardless of Branch of Service, living in Navy PPV housing must sign a lease and addendum that requires participation in RECP. The Army and Air Force are transferring responsibility for payment of utilities to residents that live in their privatized housing much like the Navy.
The easiest way to reduce your energy usage is by regulating your thermostat to minimize heating and or cooling requirements. Wise use of hot water, lighting and appliances can also contribute significantly to energy savings. Finally, you can request the property manager perform an energy assessment to identify energy savings strategies specific to your home.
Is there a waiver policy if a member in my family has a medical circumstance that requires the need to use more energy?
Yes, a waiver from the RECP can be requested if your family member is enrolled in the Exceptional Family Member (EFM) program and you can demonstrate the medical condition has a direct impact on utility usage. In addition, handicapped members outside of the EFM may also submit a waiver request for consideration. Each housing office will have procedures for submitting a waiver. Wounded Warriors are exempt from participating in the RECP.
You will be charged the same rate the PPV partner is charged to provide utilities to your home. The rate will be included on your bill and is available at any time by contacting your PPV property manager. Sometimes the utilities are provided by the supporting installation for the PPV project and other instances it will be the rate from a 3rd party utility provider. By law, the PPV partner is not allowed to charge you a higher rate than they pay for utilities.